S-USIH Minutes 10.8.2012
PRESENT: Lora Burnett, Allison Perlman, Ray Haberski, Paul Murphy, Lisa Szefel
Officer Reports:
Annual meeting agenda
What items should we include?
Elicit items from membership two weeks before the meeting
Working on the book award—committee is composed
One announcement on H-NET and sent to OAH and AHA and to publishers recommended by the committee members
Responses have come in from some writers
Working on panel that will sit on the American Society of Philosophy
Working committee on membership
Julian and David are working a bit on the grad student committee
Working on the budget and items but the dues and conference fees
Non-profit status—problem getting an official copy of the addendum from IN to send it to the IRS
Forwarded the checks and getting receipts on the paypal
Transferred $1500 from online memberships
~$800 from checks and online
Updating the website: book reviews and other content
Registration for conference on line and membership through the website
Looking into the migration plan
Need to make the front page into something before the migration—perhaps a place for the business meeting agenda, the book prize and announcing next year’s conference
Publication Committee
Newsletter is coming along with columns from most of the officers
Blog migration discussions are underway following some miscues from website designer
Archiving the posts is a major consideration as we make the transition
Found book review editor and Lora will take care of those reviews currently in pipeline
Annual meeting: encourage more people to become regular bloggers and guest contributors
Conference Committee:
CUNY contact would not confirm rooms or prices
Marty Burke intervened and asked the president of CUNY to in
Nov 1-3 a weekend F-Sat/SUN
Rooms reserved at UC Irvine
Paul Rubison and Andrew Hartman fill out the conference
Nixon library potentially a site for a reception
Announce the dates and location at out annual conference in NY
How many people in the conference? 37 panels ~150 people
Should bring in a bit more money than last year
Conference Agenda
What do we want to present at the business meeting?
Ray suggests a discussion on raising revenue and how to move forward with a journal
How do we respond to the changes in the academy in relation to funding, online education, etc?
Allison spoke to the policy of new media and more traditional issues of labor, tenure, and publications
Transition website to a new kind of platform for scholarship
What are we transitioning toward?
Lisa spoke about attending the Public Intellectuals Conference at Harvard. She will contact Lawrence Friedman about this conference and the potential of collaboration.
Can we create other opportunities to meet?
Paul will circulate the agenda to us before he posts it to the blog.