S-USIH Minutes June 2018

Executive Committee Meeting

June 2018, 2pm EST


Sarah Gardner, Kevin Schultz, Leah Gordon, Andrew Klumpp, Richard Candida Smith, Natalia Petrzela, Tim Lacy, Rebecca Brenner


President’s Update

Approval of Minutes

Secretary’s Update

Treasurer’s Update

Publication Chair’s Update

2018 Conference Update

2019 Conference Update


President’s update

Kevin Schultz:

Welcome to new members, especially the President who has an exciting new vision

Thank you Leah for being such a good treasurer

Excellent blog and also a fully functioning intellectual society

Kevin says that leaving is bittersweet

Sarah Gardner:

Thank you for confidence in abilities

Sarah will send email asking questions

Maybe formalize prize committees

Minutes are approved

Secretary’s Update

Rebecca Brenner:

S-USIH Twitter is doing great, run by Sarah Georgini

Twitter has 804 followers

Rebecca will post minutes to web

522 members total, except 306 have lapsed their membership due to overdue renewal

Therefore S-USIH currently has 216 active members.

Treasurer’s Update

Leah Gordon:

Money in the bank is $37,687

$28,754 in the reserved fund

Leah will get in touch with the new treasurer Andrew Klumpp

Need Andrew Klumpp to have Wild Apricot access

Dorothy Ross and Dewey Society prizes have their own bank accounts

Henry May award comes from registration donations

Publication Chair’s Update

Richard Candida-Smith:

Bloggers should have a discussion about the blog

Main initiative this year was the book review section

We now have 20 book reviewers

Book reviews should be livelier by the fall

Does take a lot of work to keep reviews going

Richard contacts everyone, so this should be more than one person’s job

Want to set ambitious goals for what is available on the S-USIH website

Website should be where members go for all relevant books in intellectual history

In July we will start planning the 2018 newsletter

Four books per month would be ideal

Conference 2018 Update


Important for everyone to feel appreciated, and a lot of work goes into Richard’s job

Robert has been doing book reviews on a volunteer basis

Tim: In the midst of reviewing all the submissions to the conference

Large number of high quality submissions

Deciding whether to admit most of the full-panel proposals

Deciding whether to have a Sunday morning session
Need to get the hotel link working

Decent funds, but we need cushion as always. Always at least break even on the conference

Want to work more on chronological coverage, as well as working against the white male stereotype

Conference 2019 Update


Reinforces the idea of partner organizations for conferences

Involving K-12 history teachers because “education is huge”
Potential financial support from the New School

Open to “suggestions, warnings, and reprimands”
Lining up all the important participants

On the website under resources, there are some syllabi, maybe useful for high schools

She will email some questions

Meeting adjourned at 2:58