S-USIH Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 5.13.2013

S-USIH Conference Call May 13, 2013  12:00pm

Present: Paul Murphy, President; Lora Burnett, Chair Pub Comm; Allison Perlman 2013 Conf Chair; Lisa Szefel, Treasurer; Ray Haberski, Secretary



Correspondence with Aaron Hiltner, Assistant Managing Editor at MIH (works with Charles Capper). Copyright holders are Capper and Thomas Bender.

Ray interjected, we can do almost anything with these digitized copies either on the website or externally or with IUPUI

Larry Friedman and public intellectuals group—ELQ was going to represent us at the conference last month.  His sister lives in Irvine and will see Allison in August.  Andrew also contacted him about the 2015 conference.

Paul thanked Ray for running the elections and finding people to run for at least the 2014 conference chair.


Discussed the expenses for George Nash to participate in the plenary session on conservatism.

Asked Allison about the conference fees—determined by how many participants we have- (presuming 144 participants)

Finances boosted by membership of who would have attended the 2012

Most rooms are free + additional rooms for keynotes

Use the Radisson Hotel (UCI rate= $129/night) in Newport Beach

Lunch time reception: Wine and cheese reception

Bottle water, pen and paper, etc.

Waive conf fee for graduate students who work at the conference

We might also have grad students from UCI who will work there as well

Long discussion of how to configure the amount to spend on various aspects of the conference. Much of this is devoted to the food service and receptions.

Allison will have a better sense of the budget once she and the committee gets a handle on the number of people ready to attend.

Affiliated societies with AHA and OAH—many good organizations are part of this list.  Lisa is investigating this possibility

Co-sponsorship of events (ex. Baffler in DC; Aca of Arts and Sciences do this)

Can we co-sponsor an event? Partner with an established institution in some area

Create better relationships with other organizations to demonstrate we are interested in public education and intellectual education

Treasurer and the President must be involved in these things

Initiative is now on the table and has to be forwarded to the next ExCom


Will update the elections

Pub Comm

Our book reviews are being used in the Amazon.com quotes

ME done a great job scheduling book reviews

Michele Rosen: a professional journalist; managing editor for a scholarly journal; a publishing; very good at wordpress; great ideas about digital humanities

  1. Propose: research how formerly to affiliate with AHA and OAH
    1. Vote:






  1. Facebook page: not formerly under the pub com duties. Take formal responsibility of the facebook page. We should create policies for the officers who post on the facebook
    1. Proposal: appoint an officer (or their designate) to have full administrative (add members and delete posts) access to page
    2. Proposal: that officers do not discuss on facebook the business of the society that has not yet been approved or officially announced on the website

i.     Vote

Paul: no

Lora: Yes

Allison: Yes

Lisa: Yes

Ray: Yes

ii.     Motion carries

  1. MOOCs-EdX has announced that it will create a US intellectual history MOOC.  Lora and Ben would like to create an official statement against this movement in US Intellectual History. Proposal to create a statement as a replacement for face-to-face courses
    1. Proposal: Society will investigate, and report and bring a suggestion to the membership at the annual conference for a statement regarding MOOCs as related to the teaching of US Intellectual History

i.     Paul- Yes

ii.     Lora- Yes

iii.     Lisa- Yes

iv.     Allison- Yes

v.     Ray- Yes

vi.     Motion carries

In relation to this proposal, Paul has created an adhoc committee and Lora had volunteered to be chair.

  1. Proposal that S-USIH provides a platform for scholars and teachers to share their work
    1. Absorb into duties of the secretary and report to the next excom

Conf Chair

Recirculate the CFP

Plenaries: conservatism, US intellectual and the world

Send out acceptance/rejection by July 15

Hotel site is set

Rooms are set

$250 from Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen—wanted to use that for graduate student stipends

How do we distribute the money?

First come, first served?

Lora would like to see grad students receive financial assistance

Allison requested an area on the conference registration form to explain why grad students need financial help for the conference

Lora: include another area on the conference registration form where people can contribute funds to the conference

Plenary participants should be announced in the next couple of weeks

Paul will also speak at the conference at Irvine

Closed at 2:09