Starting today, Rivka Maizlish will be joining us as our regular Wednesday blogger. Originally from Texas and a graduate of Brandeis University, Rivka is currently a graduate student at UW Madison, where she is currently working on canon formation of the “American Renaissance,” both as a cultural and political project of scholars in the 1930s and 1940s, and as a literary project of American Romantic writers in the 1830s and 1840s. More broadly, her interests include political thought, American literature, and the philosophy of history. She’s already familiar to readers of this blog as a guest poster
. Please join me in welcoming her to the masthead!
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Hooray! Welcome Rivka!
Looking forward to learning more of your fascinating work, Rivka.
Welcome Rivka! I’ve enjoyed your guest posts and am looking forward to reading your regular contributions.
Welcome aboard!
Thank you so much! I’m very happy to have the opportunity to write for this blog, which I first discovered as a junior at Brandeis University. I took an American historiography class and, by some twist of fate, I found myself responsible for leading discussion the week of the course devoted to intellectual history. Not knowing where to start, I googled “U.S. intellectual history,” and ended up here!
Congratulations, Rivka!
You are most deserving, and fellow bloggers are fortunate to have your contributions.
So thrilled that Rivka has joined the blog! It’s so nice to have a fellow grad student — and such a sharp one! — on the roster. Y’all better start bringin’ your A game, ’cause this scholar can bring the heat. Welcome, Rivka!