U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Henry F. May Fund: Call for Proposals

Reading Room, Boston Public Library, 2013

Every year, the S-USIH Conference Program Committee proudly selects a number of graduate student attendees to receive monies from the Henry F. May Fund

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to travel and present new work. We all know this has been a year (and more!) like no other, and we’re here to support YOUR scholarship. We enjoyed meeting you all via Zoom rooms far and wide, but a Nashville reunion sounds great. And we’re thinking creatively about how to use and transform our resources to nurture the USIH community. With that in mind, we’re delighted to announce that, for this year only, we will award 4 Henry F. May Fund research fellowships to graduate students to use this summer, in the amount of $500 each.

Reading-Room of the Boston Public Library, engraving by J. J. Harley, 1871

To apply, please send your C.V., along with a brief description of your research topic and how it relates to U.S. intellectual history, and your planned use of the funds in 750 words

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or less. You’re welcome to use the funds as needed–to cover the cost of photocopies from archives, extra coffee, childcare needs, digital research training programs–just demonstrate HOW it will help you to conduct research and contribute to our field. May Fund applicants MUST target their projects for presentation in a special #USIH2021 panel, to be held onsite in Nashville in October 2021, featuring new voices in U.S. intellectual history. Applications must be submitted in a single .PDF or Word file, due Thursday, 15 April 2021

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. Send all materials and questions to Sara Georgini, #USIH2020 Conference Chair, via email: [email protected]. Onward, all!