For those of you interested in the history of philosophy in the United States, a submission to Philosophical Frontiers Journal might work you (details below, bolds mine). I saw this through H-Ideas this summer, but have been delayed in relaying the notice. To me there are two intriguing aspects to this CFP: the opportunity for both paper and online publication, as well as the fact that PFJ’s upcoming third volume is to be published as a book. November 1, 2008 is the deadline for the latter endeavor.
I have not (yet) reviewed an issue of PFJ, so comments are welcome on the frequency and possibility of acceptance of USIH philosophical topics. – TL
The Philosophical Frontiers Journal is an international peer reviewed academic publication that is dedicated to all aspects of philosophy. We encourage submissions that engage with any aspect of philosophy, broadly construed. We are also particularly interested in papers that deal with the intersection of philosophy with other academic disciplines (scientific, anthropological, economic, cultural and so forth [hopefully history makes the grade]). In addition, the journal publishes reviews of recent publications.
The journal has been published in hard format only, for the past two years (ISSN 1758-1532). However, we are now also publishing online. To celebrate this fact, we intend to publish a book to commemorate our third year. All submissions that are accepted for our third volume will be included in this book, as will critical responses and book reviews. Authors are encouraged to submit articles and book reviews as soon as possible (to view style sheets, and to get further details please visit here
). Deadline for submissions for Volume 3, Issue 2, is the 1st of November 2008. Articles that are accepted for publication will appear in the journal (both online and in hard format) prior to the book’s publication.
Richard Corrigan, editor@philosophical
Editor Philosophical Frontiers