U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Intellectual History Explicitly Welcome At SSHA

I want to draw your particular attention to point 6 of the CFP below, but numbers 1, 4, and perhaps even 9 may also be of interest to intellectual historians:


Call for Papers for the 2007 Social Science History Association Meeting, November 15-18, Chicago Illinois

The theme of this year’s SSHA meeting is: “History and the Social Sciences: Taking Stock and Moving Ahead.” We especially encourage panels and papers that consider this theme, broadly conceived.

The labor network is looking for complete panels and individual papers for panels dealing with labor and working-class history, broadly defined. Panels that focus on, among other things, are encouraged:

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1. Comparative labor histories — space, place, time, geography, identities Labor history and methodology
2. Narratives of working class people
3. Labor and working class history in the era of globalization
4. Theorizing working class history
5. Narratives of workers
6. The intersection of working class history with cultural, intellectual, political and women’s history
7. Working Class History and the politics of identity
8. Unpaid and paid labor history
9. Academic work in an age of student consumption and univesity capitalization


The full CFP is available here. I noticed at the bottom of the link that travel grants are available for graduate students. – TL