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The Sociological Imagination

Conference Announcement: C. Wright Mills

C. Wright Mills: “Taking It Big”A conference in honor of the Fiftieth anniversary of C. Wright Mills’ The Sociological ImaginationOctober 16th-17th 2009 CUNY Graduate Center Recital Hall Plenary (Oct 16):5:30: Reception (Recital Hall Lobby)6:30 to 8:00: Patricia Hill Collins, Stanley Aronowitz and Craig Calhoun ProgramFriday October 16th 10:00 to 12:00: On Class and PowerPresenter: Jerry Watts Respondent: TBA 1:00 to 3:00: Mills’ Social PsychologyPresenter: Lynn Chancer Respondent: Eli Zaretsky 3:15 to 5:15: On Intellectuals Presenter: Russell Jacoby Respondent: John Summers Saturday Oct 17th 10:00 to 12:00: On CulturePresenter: Marshall Berman Respondent: Harvey Molotch online pharmacy https://casaloma.ca/wp-content/uploads/cache/2018/02/levaquin.html no prescription 1:00 to Read more