Author Archive

Tim Lacy

Sharlene Sinegal-DeCuir on Jeffrey S. Adler’s *Blue-Coated Terror: Jim Crow New Orleans and the Roots of Modern Police Brutality*

Blue-Coated Terror: Jim Crow New Orleans and the Roots of Modern Police Brutality explores the early twenty-century roots of modern police brutality. Adler has managed to write a book that is engaging, thought-provoking and timely. In 2020, America was shaken by the brutal reality of police violence against people of color as the world witnessed the death of George Floyd. Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe,” became a rallying cry for several minorities who have unjustly been victims of police violence. In five chapters, an introduction, and a conclusion, Adler clearly states his thesis, provides evidence, and analyses story after Read more