Author Archive

Sara Georgini

“Centuries of Suppression”: Jeanelle D. Horcasitas on Julia Rose Kraut’s *Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States*

Julia Rose Kraut’s Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States, unpacks centuries of legislative statutes and political actions to ideologically exclude and deport immigrants, foreigners, and noncitizens as a way to suppress dissent and eliminate or censor freedom of expression. Kraut’s work offers a comprehensive analysis from the eighteenth century, World War I and World War II, to the twenty-first century and the War on Terror. Each chapter builds upon the other, focusing on the legislative response to political or social unrest of the time, and how these laws are repeatedly used as Read more