U.S. Intellectual History Blog

S-USIH at #AHA2026

Greetings, intellectual historians!

We are now accepting proposals for S-USIH sponsored sessions at next year’s American Historical Association meeting. The upcoming conference will be held in Chicago, January 8-11, 2026.

We invite all active S-USIH members to submit a panel or roundtable proposal for consideration our AHA liaison, Lauren Lassabe Shepherd (laurenlassabe@gmail.com), by Tuesday, 27 May 2025. Please do not submit directly to the AHA, as the submissions process for affiliated societies like S-USIH is unique.

Proposals for panels and roundtables should include:

  • Session title (up to 20 words)
  • Session abstract (up to 500 words. Published in the web program as submitted)
  • Short session abstract for the meeting app (up to 50 words)
  • Paper or presentation titles (if any)
  • Abstract or description for each presentation (up to 300 words).
  • Descriptions should be included for both roundtables and formal sessions.
  • Brief biographical information (up to 250 words) for each participant
  • Email address for each participant
  • Affiliation for each participant
  • Chair (required) and commentator (optional) for the session
  • Organizer (required), serves as the principal point of contact but is not listed in the meeting program. Organizers are free to serve in other roles, which will be listed
  • Audiovisual needs, if any
  • To assure substantial time for interaction between speakers and audience, panels are typically limited to a maximum of four participants in addition to a chair and/or commentator
  • Organizers submitting multi-session workshops will also be required to submit a brief description of the overall purpose and goals of the workshop.
  • Organizers submitting experimental sessions will be asked to submit a short description of the session format.

A reminder from the AHA: “Please remember that everyone participating in the annual meeting, whether on an AHA or affiliated society session, is required to register for the conference. Participants on affiliated society sessions are not required to be AHA members. There is a discounted rate for nonmember speakers.”

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