Greetings, intellectual historians! We are proud to host 1-2 sessions at the American Historical Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco from 4-7 January 2024.
All active S-USIH members are encouraged to propose a panel or roundtable for #AHA2024. Send submissions to our AHA Affiliate, Lauren Lassabe Shepherd, at [email protected] by 20 January 2023.
Proposals should include:
- Session title (no more than 20 words)
- Session abstract (up to 500 words)
- Mini session abstract for the AHA app (up to 50 words)
- Description for each presentation (up to 300 words). To assure substantial time for interaction between speakers and audience, panels are typically limited to a maximum of four participants in addition to a chair
- Biographical statement (up to 250 words) for each participant. Include email address, affiliation (if any), city, state, and country for each participant
- Chair (required) and commentator (optional) for the session
- Organizer who serves as the principal point of contact
- Audiovisual needs (if any)