We invite you to add your voice to our dialogue here at U.S. Intellectual History
. Since the blog’s launch over a decade ago, S-USIH has published hundreds of guest posts by graduate students, faculty members, and history professionals working on the history of American thought at a range of educational and cultural institutions. We see this as a dynamic platform for scholars to meet in conversation, share scholarship, and develop new perspectives on the field.
Ready to write? If you have an idea for a post, please read the FAQ’s below and get in touch with us via Facebook, Twitter, or email. We are an all-volunteer collaborative association of bloggers, and we are dedicated to maintaining this shared space as a useful forum of dialogue and debate. We look forward to hearing from you.
Q: Who can write a guest post for the S-USIH blog?
A: We welcome guest post ideas from anyone actively engaged in the field of American intellectual history. From time to time, we will issue a call for contributions to a themed roundtable, and we will partner with other blogs to cross-post work for a wider audience.
Q: What kind of posts do you publish?
A: We are interested in posts that treat any aspect of American intellectual history, broadly conceived, including reflections on researching, writing, interpreting, and teaching it. Posts that make historical connections to present-day events or address specializations outside those of the regular bloggers are always of editorial interest. Prior to submission, contributors should review the blog’s overall content, style, and tone. (This FAQ covers blog posts. If you are interested in book reviews, please contact our book review editor).
In general, a USIH blog post is between 700 and 1,200 words. You are encouraged to include footnotes (Chicago style), hyperlinks, and 1-2 fair-use images in .JPEG or .PNG format. Please submit a post title, along with a 2-line biographical statement and available social media contact, so that we can introduce you and your scholarship to the USIH community. We have great admiration and respect for our colleagues in the ever-growing blogosphere, so if you’re pitching a post idea to USIH along with a few other outlets, please let us know.
We do not
accept paid content or any content that might be construed as advertising. Posts that directly or indirectly endorse or oppose current candidates for public office in the U.S. endanger the non-profit status of S-USIH. All bloggers are asked to avoid such posts.
Q: How do I start the submission process?
A: Guest posters usually partner with a regular USIH blogger who can answer questions and provide editorial support. You can find our contact info here. Once you’ve discussed the topic and we’ve determined that it is a good fit for the USIH blog, we’ll find an open date on our editorial calendar and let you know when your post will be published.
Q: I submitted a guest post. What happens next?
A: We do not have a formal peer-review process, preferring to keep our conversation at the blog collegial and casual. Once your piece has been published, it’s a good idea for guest posters to stay tuned to and participate in our comments section, which is moderated by the blog’s editors according to S-USIH standards of governance.
Q: What about the copyright?
A: The content of the blog is ©Society for U.S. Intellectual History. All text (including posts, pages, and comments) posted on the blog on or after August 7, 2012, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). This license allows anyone to freely copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt any posts or comments that appear on this blog, under the following conditions: 1) They must attribute the posts and/or comments that they copy, distribute, transmit, or adapt both to this blog and to the author(s) of the particular posts and/or comments. 2) They may not use posts or comments for commercial purposes. 3) If they alter, transform, or build upon posts and/or comments, they may distribute the resulting work only under the same or a similar license to this one.