U.S. Intellectual History Blog

The Torch Has Been Passed

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Back in April, I announced that I was stepping down as Editor of this blog and that we were beginning a transition period at the end of which L.D. Burnett would be taking over from me. That transition has now been completed.  I wrote extensively about my thoughts about the blog and this transition when I announce my departure. Since my thoughts haven’t changed, I won’t take up bandwidth repeating them here. Follow the link if you’re interested.

This has been an exceedingly quiet and smooth transition in part because L.D. knows the blog so well. She has a vision for its future that she described back in April. Some things may change around here, but if they do, they’ll change for the better. And I have no doubt that the blog will continue doing all the things it does best. I’m thrilled that the blog will be continuing under such excellent leadership.

Please welcome L.D. Burnett as the new Editor of the U.S. Intellectual History Blog!

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S-USIH Comment Policy

We ask that those who participate in the discussions generated in the Comments section do so with the same decorum as they would in any other academic setting or context. Since the USIH bloggers write under our real names, we would prefer that our commenters also identify themselves by their real name. As our primary goal is to stimulate and engage in fruitful and productive discussion, ad hominem attacks (personal or professional), unnecessary insults, and/or mean-spiritedness have no place in the USIH Blog’s Comments section. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove any comments that contain any of the above and/or are not intended to further the discussion of the topic of the post. We welcome suggestions for corrections to any of our posts. As the official blog of the Society of US Intellectual History, we hope to foster a diverse community of scholars and readers who engage with one another in discussions of US intellectual history, broadly understood.

  1. Once again, welcome! Glad you’re doing this. Ben has been *great*, and I’m sure you’ll build on his work and add—even more than you already have—to the blog’s wonderful content. – TL

    • Oh, you’re late to the party! You should see the most recent post on my personal blog — it’s filled with F-bombs, a first for me online.

      Most of our readers have enough savvy to recognize distinctions of genre, audience, voice and tone. And I suspect that very, very few of our readers look at my personal blog.

      Nevertheless, this is as good a place as any to issue a content warning: if strong language, righteous indignation, or meandering musings offend you, I would suggest you avoid reading my personal blog. If gallows humor is not your thing, don’t follow me on Twitter.

      However, if you’re interested in keeping abreast of current conversations in the field of U.S. Intellectual History, this is the place to be. We’re quite tolerant of differences here, and we are pretty generous readers — if that weren’t the case, I would have left your petty comment languishing in the queue.

    • Son of bith,

      I look forward to your substantial contributions, on other blog posts, about matters of history. I hope you won’t harass or follow *any* one member here, for their other writings in other venues. In particular, off-topic snark about our editors, L.D. and otherwise, won’t be tolerated by this regular contributor.

      – Tim Lacy

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