U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Please Welcome Anthony Chaney to the Blog!

I’m delighted to announce that Anthony Chaney will be joining us as a regular blogger. He plans to post every other Saturday, starting today.  He teaches history and writing at the University of North Texas at Dallas and is the author of Runaway: Gregory Bateson, the Double Bind, and the Rise of Ecological Consciousness

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(The University of North Carolina Press, 2017). His research interests include US Intellectual and Cultural History especially as it intersects with environmentalism, environmental justice, and ecological thought. He is exceedingly fond of his turntable and may write about that from time to time. He’s also been a frequent guest blogger. You can find his guest posts here.

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  1. Anthony, what a delight to know we will all be able to read your marvelous prose on the regular. Welcome aboard!

  2. Welcome aboard, Anthony! I look forward to reading about all of your professional and personal interests—including anything you put up here about your turntable. 🙂 – TL

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