U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Unwittingly Blogging About the Future, “Cultural Marxism” Edition

The bizarre, conspiracy-theory-laden memo that apparently got former National Security Council staffer Rich Higgins fired by National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster was published yesterday by Foreign Policy.  As people try to make sense out of Higgins’s view of the world, which was apparently shared by others in the Trump White House, I thought it would be helpful to link to a couple USIH posts of mine from the summer of 2011 that throw some intellectual historical light on the apocalyptic account of “cultural Marxism” and “political correctness” that can be found in Higgins’s memo:

The Frankfurt School, Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories, and American Conservatism

Fun With Primary Sources: the Free Congress Foundation’s “History of Political Correctness”

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  1. Oh, I think it was quite real, Andrew. And, you read through all of it, a lot of that is stereotypical anti-Semitic tropes. “Cultural Marxism,” “globalism,” hints at new world orderism, etc.

  2. On the basis of a quickish look, the substance of the memo is somewhat strange, at least to someone not very familiar with these particular right-wing “theories,” and in terms of grammar and style the memo’s relation to English is rather tenuous (and that may be putting it generously).

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