U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Call for Nominations: 2017 Book Award


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Society for U. S. Intellectual History 2017 Annual Book Award

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The Society for U. S. Intellectual History (S-USIH) is pleased to announce its Annual Book Award for the best book in U.S. intellectual history. The book should be a work of original scholarship and should cover some aspect of American intellectual history. Books eligible for the 2017 award must be published in English in the period between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2016. Any member of the Society or any publisher may nominate books for the award. The winner will be announced in Spring 2017, receive a $250.00 prize, and participate in a panel on the winning book at the 2017 annual meeting of the Society, scheduled for October 26-29 in Dallas, Texas. The winning author must be a member of the Society at the time of this presentation.

A copy of the nominated book must be sent to each of the following three committee members no later than Feb. 1, 2017. A separate letter listing each entry should be sent to the committee so they can verify arrival of all entries.

Please see the official announcement for details regarding committee members and addresses.