U.S. Intellectual History Blog

USIH at HES 2015

I want to draw your attention to some panels and papers of interest that will be appearing at the 2015 meeting

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of the History of Education Society (the program is about two-thirds down the page). The meeting takes place in St. Louis, MO, from November 5-8.

S-USIH members (present and past) at HES

First up are Andrew Hartman and and Natalia Mehlman Petrzela in a panel on—drumroll please!—the Culture Wars. Each of the participants is discussing her/his recent book. Here are the details:

The Culture Wars in History and Historiography
Chair: Andrew Hartman, Illinois State University

1. A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars (U. of Chicago Press, 2015)
Andrew Hartman, Illinois State University
2. The Other School Reformers: Conservative Activism in American Education (Harvard U. Press, 2015)
Adam Laats, Binghamton University
3. Classroom Wars: Language, Sex, and the Making of Modern Political Culture (Oxford U. Press, 2015)
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, The New School
4. Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education (Princeton U. Press, 2015)
Jonathan Zimmerman, New York University

Natalia makes an appearance in a second panel (with Jon Zimmerman again!).

The Moral State: Character Education in Cold War America
Chair and Discussant: Jonathan Zimmerman, New York University

1. “You are first, last, and always a religious animal”: Character Education in the American Military, 1947–1960
Ronit Y. Stahl, Washington University in St. Louis
2. “Building and Strengthening the Moral Character of Our Children”: Moral Values and Juvenile Delinquency in 1950s New York City Public Schools
Leslie Ribovich, Princeton University
3. “Which Way America?”: California’s Moral Guidelines Committee and the Forging of a Patriotic Morality in the Public Schools, 1968–74
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, The New School
4. “An Impossible Establishment?”: Secular Religion, Religious Education, and the Society for Ethical Culture, 1948–1963
Eric Luckey, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Next—in the same time slot of Andrew and Natalia’s Culture Wars panel, unfortunately—is a panel on periodization in education, featuring Ethan Schrum. But, like Natalia, don’t worry, Ethan appears in another panel!

Periodizing Education’s Histories
Chair and Discussant: Wayne J. Urban, University of Alabama

1. Periodizing the History of Childhood
Barbara Beatty, Wellesley College
2. Shedding the Cold War Straitjacket: Periodizing Twentieth-Century American Higher Education
Ethan Schrum, Azusa Pacific University
3. Rethinking Boundaries and Milestones of Vocational Education
Glenn P. Lauzon, Indiana University Northwest
4. Environmental Protection, Philosophies of Education, and Democracy
Joseph L. Watras, University of Dayton

Higher Education and the Forming of American Citizens, 1955–2000
Chair: Hilary Moss, Amherst College
Discussant: Christopher Loss, Vanderbilt University

a. “I Ain’t Marching Anymore”: Masculine Citizenship and the End of Compulsory ROTC at American Universities, 1955–1965
Amy Rutenberg, Iowa State University
b. Citizens in Bloom: A Legacy Preserving the Great Books
Mark Hlavacik, University of North Texas
c. “Citizens in the Fullest Sense”: The University of South Florida during Higher Education’s Golden Age
Charles Dorn, Bowdoin College
d. The Rise of Deliberative Democratic Citizenship Education in the Late Twentieth Century
Ethan Schrum, Azusa Pacific University

Occasional USIH blog contributor Bryan McAllister-Grande and yours truly make an appearance as well—working a panel on general education.

Beyond the Great Books: New Perspectives on the General Education Movement
Chair and Discussant: Tim Lacy, Northwestern University

1. Utopians, One Worlders, and “Educationists”: The Making of General Education in a Free Society
Bryan McAllister-Grande, Harvard Graduate School of Education
2. Vitalizing Liberal Education: Algo D. Henderson and General Education Reform, 1935–1948
Nicholas Strohl, University of Wisconsin–Madison
3. Cooperation Without Consensus: Curriculum Reform in the General Education Movement
Kevin S. Zayed, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign
4. The English and American Traditions of Liberal Education—An Historical Perspective
Shen Wenqin, Peking University, CHINA

A Top 10 of Other Select Topics and Interesting Panels*

*My top ten through lunch on Saturday, that is—because there is much that intrigues at HES!

1. Women’s Colleges in the United States and Canada
Chair and Discussant: Mary Ann Dzuback, Washington University in St. Louis

a. Useful Ornaments: Form and Function of a Demill Ladies College Education
Laura Suchan, Oshawa Community Museum, Oshawa, Ontario
b. Virginia Gildersleeve and the Making of Modern Women’s College Education
Patrick Dilley, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
c. No Need for Intervention: Women’s Colleges’ Ideological and Pragmatic Concerns during the Establishment of Federal Aid, 1933–1943
Jon Gorgosz, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
d. Student Protest and Activism at Bennett College for Women, 1930–1960
Deidre Flowers, Teachers College, Columbia University

2. Contesting Interwar Modernity: From Vamps to Vampires
Chair and Discussant: William Reese, University of Wisconsin–Madison

a. The Schoolmarm Bobs her Hair: Teacher Resistance to Dress Codes in Early 20th Century United States
Patricia Carter, Georgia State University
b. Conceptions of “Modernity” in Interwar Period Higher Education
Jacob Hardesty, Rockford University
c. An Education in the “Unspeakable”: Manly Wade Wellman, the Origins of Southern Gothic, and the Rise of the High School Vampire
Andrew L. Grunzke, Mercer University

3. Assessing Administrators: American University Presidents at Mid-Century
Co-Chairs and Co-Discussants: Nathan Sorber, West Virginia University; and Bruce Leslie, SUNY–Brockport

a. Assessing a University Presidency: James Bryant Conant and Harvard University, 1933–1952
Wayne J. Urban, University of Alabama
b. From Student Leader to University President: George W. Rightmire of Ohio State University
Benjamin A. Johnson, Utah Valley University
c. Reinert as Servant Leader: Reflections on Fr. Paul Reinert’s Leadership at Saint Louis University
Maureen Wangard, St. Louis University

4. Education as a Human Right: International, Intellectual, and Institutional History
Chair and Discussant: Mark Johnson, University of Wisconsin–Madison

a. Humanism and the Concept of Education as a Human Right: Tracing a UNESCO Tradition
Maren Elfert, University of British Columbia, CANADA
b. The Universality of Individuality: Citizenship, Nationalism and the Invention of the Human Right to Education
Glenn Mitoma, University of Connecticut

5. Book Panel: Kelly Sartorius, Deans of Women and the Feminist Movement
Chair: John Rury, University of Kansas
Book: Deans of Women and the Feminist Movement: Emily Taylor’s Activism (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014)
Jackie Blount, Ohio State University
Andrea Walton, Indiana University
Jana Nidiffer, Oakland University
Response: Kelly Sartorius, Washington University in St. Louis

6. Race, Gender, and Philosophies of “Progressive” Education
Chair and Discussant: Karen Benjamin, St. Xavier University

a. The Complete Published Writings of Ella Flagg Young
Jackie Blount, Ohio State University
b. The Doubts of Service-Learning Past (and Present): Irving Babbitt, Charles W. Eliot, and John Dewey
Kip Smilie, Missouri Western State University
c. “From the Time of Socrates Down to the Day of Dewey”: Carter G. Woodson’s Philosophy and Critique of Progressive Education
Jarvis R. Givens, University of California, Berkeley
d. The Practical Pedagogue: Mary McCleod Bethune’s Evolving Educational Philosophy, 1904–1920
Alexander Hyres, University of Virginia

7. Planning Education for a Modern State: The U.S. and U.K., Pre- and Post-War
Chair and Discussant: Arnold Shober, Lawrence University

a. Emerging From the Shadows: The Impact of the First World War on British Higher Education
John Taylor, University of Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM
b. Economic Rationalism Invades the Office of Education: 1965
Laura Holden, Michigan State University
c. Defining the Liberal Education Agendas of the 1960s and 1970s: The Impact of Coleman and Plowden upon Education in an Era of Change
Deborah A. Sabric, University of Roehampton, UNITED KINGDOM
d. Graduate Medical Education Governance and Financing: The Impact of Federal Funding
Katherine E. McDaniel, Saint Louis University

8. Book Panel: Leah Gordon, From Power to Prejudice
Chair: Tracy Steffes, Brown University
Book: Leah Gordon, From Power to Prejudice: The Rise of Racial Individualism in Midcentury America (University of Chicago Press, 2015)
Julie A. Reuben, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Christopher Loss, Vanderbilt University
Jack Dougherty, Trinity College
Response: Leah Gordon, Stanford University

9. Debating U.S. Higher Education in the Twentieth Century: Access and Aims
Chair and Discussant: Roger Geiger, Penn State University

a. A Road Not Taken: The Truman Commission as an Alternate Vision of U.S. Higher Education Policy
Nicholas Strohl, University of Wisconsin–Madison
b. The Community College Curriculum: A Historical Comparison of an Urban and Rural Campus in Texas
Ben Hoffman, University of Houston
c. A Promise Deferred: Veterans’ Access to Higher Education through the GI Bill at the University of Florida, 1944–1962
Todd McCardle, University of Florida
d. A Study of Adaptive Change: The First One Hundred Years of the Association of American Colleges
Linda Eisenmann, Wheaton College

And, last but not least, check out the title of this panel:

10. Counterculture/Counter-Counterculture: Creationism, Survivalism, Hackerism, Teacher Unionism, and the Complex History of American Education in the 1970s and 80s
Chair and Discussant: Jon Shelton, University of Wisconsin–Green Bay

a. Inheriting the Scopes Trial
Victor J. Sensenig, Washington College
b. The “Paranoid Style” in Right-Wing Pedagogy: Kurt Saxon and the Survivalist Movement of the 1970s
Joshua Garrison, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
c. “Making” History: Cold War, Counterculture, and the Emergence of the Maker Movement in Education
T. Philip Nichols, University of Pennsylvania
d. How the Hortonville Strike of 1974 Impacted the Course of Collective Bargaining in Wisconsin: Connecting Local Experience to State-Level Teachers Union Strategy
Andrew Knudsen, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Eleni Schirmer, University of Wisconsin–Madison