U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Baffler Returns

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Baffler #19 (cover art to your left), the first from editor in chief John Summers, features original salvos by founding editor Thomas Frank, Rick Perlstein, Barbara Ehrenreich, and David Graeber (“Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit”); fiction by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya and Kim Stanley Robinson; poetry by Geoffrey Hill, Laura Riding, Charles Bernstein, and Peter Gizzi; satirical art by Peter Arkle, Mark Dancey, Steve Brodner; and a new column by senior editor Chris Lehmann, The Dollar Debauch. To top it off, the issue offers the first look in seventy-six years of the original Fortune article that James Agee wrote on tenant farmers in Alabama. The article, written in 1936, has never been published before (announced last fall in the Times’ letter section, here.)

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