U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Research Issues: JAH’s RSO Function And New Works On U.S. Intellectual History

If you don’t already take advantage of your JAH subscription to receive what’s called an RSO update (Recent Scholarship Online), I would encourage you to do so.

Below is a selection of new books and articles on intellectual history received by JAH since the last RSO update in March. I say “received” because not all of the works were published in 2010. This list has been thinned out a bit because I deleted sublistings of individual contributions from the Alice Kessler-Harris and Maurizio Vaudagna edited collection.

You can set up your RSO to screen by categories and keywords. Here are mine (reflective of my ongoing projects):

Categories: Education; Intellectual; Mass Communications; Print Culture; Religion; Social and Cultural; Midwest
Keywords: Mortimer Adler, Mortimer J. Adler, Robert Hutchins, great books*, Paideia, Clifton Fadiman, John Erskine

I used to scan the reviews and books received sections of JAH for new scholarship. Thanks to RSO, now I can simply read the reviews that interest me rather than worry about missing a new title because I don’t have the metadata/LOC categories. Otherwise, how would I have known—based on the titles alone—that the books by Bilder et al., Hunt, Kim, Mirra, and Weaver held forth on matters related to intellectual history?

E-mail Update for April 2010
Category: “Intellectual”

Baker, Lee D., Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. xiv, 277 pp. Cloth, $79.95, isbn 978-0-8223-4686-9. Paper, $22.95, isbn 978-0-8223-4698-2.) Document Type: Book
Categories: African American; American Indian; Intellectual; Race

Bilder, Mary Sarah, Maeva Marcus, and R. Kent Newmyer, eds., Blackstone in America: Selected Essays of Kathryn Preyer. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xiv, 287 pp. $85.00, isbn 978-0-521-49087-0.) Document Type: Book
Categories: Gender, Masculinity, and Femininity; Intellectual; Legal and Constitutional; Women

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Crowder, Ralph L., “The Historical Context and Political Significance of Harlem’s Street Scholar Community,” Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, 34 (Jan. 2010), 34–71. Document Type: Article
Categories: African American; East; Education; Intellectual; Social and Cultural; Urban and Suburban

Gooding-Williams, Robert, In the Shadow of Du Bois: Afro-Modern Political Thought in America. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009. xii, 350 pp. $35.00, isbn 978-0-674-03526-3.) Document Type: Book
Categories: African American; Intellectual; Politics; Race

Hunt, Bruce J., Pursuing Power and Light: Technology and Physics from James Watt to Albert Einstein. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. x, 182 pp. Cloth, $45.00, isbn 978-0-8018-9358-2. Paper, $20.00, isbn 978-0-8018-9359-9.) Document Type: Book
Categories: Business and Economics; Intellectual; Science and Technology

James, Samuel, “Louis Mink, ‘Postmodernism,’ and the Vocation of Historiography,” Modern Intellectual History, 7 (April 2010), 151–84. Document Type: Article
Categories: Intellectual; Theory and Methodology

Kessler-Harris, Alice, and Maurizio Vaudagna, eds., Democracy and Social Rights in the “Two Wests.” (Turin: Otto, 2009. ii, 351 pp. Paper, €25,00, isbn 978-88-95285-16-0.) Document Type: Book
Categories: Intellectual; Politics; Transnational and Comparative

Kester, Scott J., The Haunted Philosophe: James Madison, Republicanism, and Slavery. (Lanham: Lexington, 2008. x, 132 pp. $55.00, isbn 978-0-7391-2174-0.)Document Type: Book
Categories: Intellectual; Politics; Revolutionary and Early National

Kim, Jin Hee, “1930–40 Nyundae Miguk gisikineui daejung munwha insik” (New York intellectuals and mass culture in the 1930s and 1940s), Mikuthak Nonjip/Korean Journal of American Studies, 40 (no. 3, 2008), 5–38. In Korean. Document Type: Article
Categories: East; Intellectual; Social and Cultural; Transnational and Comparative; Urban and Suburban

Mirra, Carl, The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945–1970. (Kent: Kent State University Press, 2010. xvi, 224 pp. $34.95, isbn 978-1-60635-051-5.) Document Type: Book
Categories: African American; Biography; Education; Intellectual

Martínez, David, “Pulling Down the Clouds: The O’odham Intellectual Tradition during the ‘Time of Famine,’” American Indian Quarterly, 34 (Winter 2010), 1–32. Document Type: Article
Categories: American Indian; Education; Intellectual; Print Culture; Religion; West

Pianko, Noam, “‘The True Liberalism of Zionism’: Horace Kallen, Jewish Nationalism, and the Limits of American Pluralism,” American Jewish History, 94 (Dec. 2008), 299–329. Document Type: Article
Categories: Biography; Ethnicity; Intellectual; International Relations; Jewish

Weaver, Gina Marie, Ideologies of Forgetting: Rape in the Vietnam War. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010. xviii, 198 pp. Cloth, $75.00, isbn 978-1-4384-2999-1. Paper, $24.95, isbn 978-1-4384-2998-4.) Document Type: Book
Categories: Crime and Violence; Intellectual; Military; Print Culture; Vietnam; Women