U.S. Intellectual History Blog


I’ve been saving a few announcements over the past month or so. Rather than posting them individually, I hope this one will suffice. Note: Bolds and italics are mine. – TL


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1. Announcing a New Series from Rutgers University Press

SINCE 1945

Edited by
Professor of History, California Polytechnic State University

IDEAS IN ACTION allows established historians to consider broad and important issues pertaining to cultural and intellectual life in the United States since 1945. The books, based for the most part on secondary literature surrounding a topic, will highlight and dissect compelling controversies related to large cultural questions as they change over time. The series provides authors with an opportunity to interpret, to speculate, and to “think out loud,” while furthering strong critical debate. Books deal not in abstractions but anchor ideas firmly in the context of politics, culture, and society. They are written in a style that is accessible to a wide range of readers and that captures the author’s personality and point of view.

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Rebels All! A Brief and Critical History of the Conservative Mind, Kevin Mattson, professor of contemporary history at Ohio University, author of Creating a Democratic Republic: The Struggle for Urban Participatory Democracy During the Progressive Era.
Clear and Present Dangers?: The Long, Strange History of Cold War National Security, Kyle A. Cuordileone, assistant professor of social sciences, New York City College of Technology, author of Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War.
Same Difference: An Alternative History of Gays and Lesbians Since 1945, Martin Meeker, associate academic specialist with the regional oral history office of the Bancroft library, University of California, Berkeley, author of Contacts Desired: Gay and Lesbian Communications and Community, 1940s-1970s.
The God that Never Failed: Civil Religion in Postwar America, Raymond J. Haberski, Jr., assistant professor of history, Marian College, author of Freedom to Offend: How New York Remade Movie Culture.


Submit your proposal either to George Cotkin, series editor, at [email protected], or to Leslie Mitchner, Associate Director and Editor in Chief, at [email protected] or at Rutgers University Press, 100 Joyce Kilmer Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854

For Submission Guidelines, please see our website.


2. CFP: Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society

October 25-26, 2008, University of California, Irvine, California

The North American Kant Society would like to announce a call for papers for
the seventh annual Pacific Study Group meeting to be held October 25-26,

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2008 at the University of California, Irvine. The invited speaker will be
Eckart Förster (Johns Hopkins University).

The best paper submitted by a graduate student will be awarded a stipend of $100 to offset expenses for the conference. Graduate students who would like to be considered for this stipend should specify their status as a graduate student in the cover letter/e-mail accompanying their submission. The winning essay is eligible for the Annual Markus Herz Award for the best paper by a graduate student read at any of the regional NAKS study group meetings.

The Pacific Study Group is an informal group that meets once a year (historically, in the fall) to facilitate interaction among Kant scholars by means of 5 or 6 45-minute presentations followed by informal discussion. One should be a member of NAKS to present a paper at the PSG meeting. However, attendance at the PSG meetings is free and open to all. The PSG receives financial support from the North American Kant Society and from host universities.

Papers submitted for the meetings may discuss any topic in Kantian Studies. The term “Kantian Studies” is broadly conceived to include not only contemporary “Kantian” approaches to philosophical problems but also the discussion of Kant’s immediate predecessors, contemporaries, and successors such as the German Idealists.

Papers no longer than 25 pages to be considered for presentation at the next
meeting should be sent as an e-mail attachment to Eric Watkins
([email protected])by July 1, 2008 (in Word, pdf, or Rich-Text-Format).

Papers may not be submitted to both the Pacific Study Group and another
Study Group in the same year. More information on hotel accommodations and
the program will be available by September.



The Graduate School Press at Syracuse University, in cooperation with Imagining America’s Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) program, invites submissions for an edited volume on publicly engaged scholarship in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, to be published by the Graduate School Press and distributed by Syracuse University Press. We invite contributions from graduate students, faculty, and administrators.

This resource is intended, on the one hand, to document the pathways to engaged graduate education taken by graduate students from institutions around the country, and, on the other hand, to provide theoretical and practical reflections on how graduate degree programs might be transformed in order to better foster engaged scholarship. Such a collection will help make the existing work of engaged graduate education more visible, and will be of value to students, to their faculty advisors, and to faculty and administrators constructing and adapting graduate programs that foster engaged scholarship.

Possible topics include:
-What place does publicly engaged graduate education have in the 21st century research university?
– What is publicly engaged graduate education? What are its ends and goals? How does it relate to civic/community engagement, activist scholarship, service learning, public cultural practice, etc.? What are the implications of these various terminologies for and within graduate training? Which do you think best defines the work you do and envision?
– What are the imagined and lived geographies of publicly engaged graduate education? How do graduate students negotiate local and global dynamics in their publicly engaged research and activism? What are relationships and differences between projects that are geographically near a student’s home institution, and those that are thousands of miles away?
– What practices are encouraged by publicly active graduate work? How do these relate to, expand, or challenge the skills fostered by our disciplinary training? In turn, how do our disciplinary investments shape our public work?
– How can we integrate the goals of public scholarship within our disciplines? Should we?
– How do publicly engaged graduate students think about their professional trajectories? What commitments do engaged graduate students bring to graduate school? How do we sustain those commitments? What do we do when we graduate?
– How can publicly engaged graduate work be integrated into the undergraduate curriculum?
– What role does pedagogy have in publicly engaged graduate education? What are the limitations and advantages of a teaching-centered approach to public work?
– What are some of the difficulties or risks that publicly engaged graduate students may face?
– What are the unique needs of publicly engaged graduate students? How can advisers, departments, and administrators support these needs?
– What can those advocating for engaged graduate education learn from the history of multi-ethnic studies?
– How can universities evaluate publicly engaged scholarship, for tenure or other assessments?
– What implications does engaged graduate education have for your discipline? For your institution? For higher education? What new agendas do you see publicly engaged graduate students and programs setting?
– Do initiatives that foster publicly engaged graduate research belong in our departments? In our colleges? In our graduate schools? What are the dangers and advantages of locating publicly active graduate education initiatives within each of these sectors?
– How does publicly engaged graduate research foreground the tensions between activist and academic work? How do we fulfill our public commitments and meet our disciplinary requirements for “scholarly objectivity”?
– What is the future of publicly engaged graduate education?

The Editors encourage submissions in multiple genres and forms, including: syllabi for graduate courses in civic engagement or publicly engaged graduate course; theoretical or practical reflections on specific national and institutional initiatives in publicly active graduate education (institutes on public scholarship, certificate or portfolio programs, conferences, fellowships and post docs emphasizing engaged graduate research, etc.); and personal narratives from graduate students, faculty, and administrators. We also welcome abstracts on other topics related to publicly engaged graduate education.

Abstracts should be 500 words or less, and should be submitted by Thursday July 3, 2008. Invitations to write papers for the publication will be sent around Friday August 1, 2008. Invited authors will be asked to complete and submit their essays (between 3,000 and 4,000 words) no later than Friday October 3, 2008.

The editors welcome feedback, suggestions, or questions at any time. Please direct submissions and inquiries to:

Craig Martin
The Graduate School Press
207 Bowne Hall
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244
[email protected]


4. The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law

Welcome to the Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law, a peer reviewed online journal. JPSL is a forum for scientists, lawyers, philosophers, policy analysts, historians, psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, students, and other interested scholars to express and exchange their views.

Featured articles in the latest edition of the journal include:

– Morris B. Hoffman – Law and Biology
– Lawrence Sung – A Review of Robert Bohrer’s A Guide to Biotechnology Law
and Business

Please forward this mail to any friends, colleagues, or students who might be interested in the journal. If you have any questions or comments about the journal, please send your inquiries to Dr. Jason Borenstein at [email protected]

Jason Borenstein, PhD
Director, Graduate Research Ethics Programs
School of Public Policy
Georgia Tech
685 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345


5. The deadline for attending this year’s Institute for the Study of Nature Summer Conference 2008, addressing “Hans Jonas and the Rediscovery of Nature,” has passed. I want to point out that Jonas, although German by birth, spent 38 years working (and thinking) in the United States (from 1955-1993). (Aside: His life and career obviously demonstrates some of the weaknesses of focusing on U.S. intellectual history as a national phenomenon.) In his later years, Jonas’s work in the arena of bioethics proved influential. I would expect that this and future conferences allowing for explorations of Hans Jonas should be of interest to those working on the fuzzy line that separates the history of science from intellectual history.


That’s it for now. If you like this “group method” of posting CFPs, let me know. Perhaps it’ll become our modus operandi. – TL