U.S. Intellectual History Blog

Paper Calls Of Interest: MacIntrye And Practical Philosophy

1. The International Society for MacIntyrean Philosophy, inspired by work and life of Alasdair MacIntyre, is hosting its second conference next year. To be held from July 30 to August 3, 2008, at the Saint Meinrad School of Theology, St. Meinrad, Indiana, USA, the conference theme is as follows: “Theory, Practice, and Tradition: Human Rationality in Pursuit of the Good Life.” Here is the call for papers (first seen through H-Ideas). Proposals look to be due on January 10, 2008. Nothing in the call excluded history papers, or applications of MacIntyrean philosophy to historical events. Of course MacIntyre himself was known for work on the history of philosophy. For more information contact Christopher S. Lutz, Conference Secretary, via e-mail at clutz-at-saintmeinrad.edu.

2. The U.K.-based Journal of Practical Philosophy recently sent a call for submissions to H-Ideas. I believe USIH enthusiasts will want to take note. Here is a contributor note embedded in the call:

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“A key requirement is that papers should have a clearly focused bearing on how practical philosophy is carried out. We encourage authors of mainly theoretical papers to draw out the practical implications of their ideas. Papers should be clear and accessible; a specialised technical vocabulary should be avoided wherever possible. Contributions may be of any length. All contributions are anonymously refereed.”

This seems like perfect fodder for historians of the intellectual life in the United States. The Journal‘s editor is Gerald Rochelle. Reach the editor to discuss paper ideas or make a submission (abstracts limited to 300 words) via this e-mail address: editor-at-practical-philosophy.org.uk. [Note: I searched for the journal’s website without success.] – TL

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