U.S. Intellectual History Blog

New Award: Charles Schmitt Prize in Intellectual History


It looks as if there is a new prize for junior historians of U.S. intellectual life. The announcement below appeared via H-Ideas yesterday. Note the eligibility restrictions in bold. The closing date for submission is 12/31/2007.

– TL


Announcement: Charles Schmitt Prize in Intellectual History

As the result of generous donations from an anonymous donor, the Istanbul Bilgi University, and Routledge, the International Society for Intellectual History is offering, on an annual basis, a prize to honour the contribution of the late Charles Schmitt to intellectual history. The prize is 3500 [British Pounds], 350 worth of Routledge books, and a year’s free membership of ISIH with a subscription to Intellectual History Review. The paper awarded the prize will be published in Intellectual History Review.

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Submissions will be accepted in any area of intellectual history, broadly construed, 1500 to the present, including historiography of intellectual history. Because it is a condition of the award that the paper awarded the prize will be published by IHR, submissions should not have been accepted for publication elsewhere. Eligibility is restricted to graduate students and those who have submitted their PhD within two years of the closing date for the prize. The paper should be forwarded as an e-mail attachment to [email protected] and to [email protected]. The e-mail itself should state that the paper is being entered for the prize, and should confirm eligibility at the time of submission, as well as availability of the paper for publication (since it is a condition of award that the paper be published in IHR).

The closing date for the prize is 31 December 2008, and an announcement of the award will be made in early 2009.

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  1. This prize was never awarded and to my knowledge no public announcement of withdrawal of the prize has been made.

  2. Interesting. I just did my own search, via the award title through Google, and nothing came up except reiterations of the same announcement above. Maybe the global depression/US economic downturn took its toll here? What a shame. It’s not like there are lots of prizes like this out there for USIH folks. – TL

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