U.S. Intellectual History Blog


Welcome to U.S. Intellectual History. This web log has been created in an effort to maintain and promote the discipline of U.S. intellectual history among professionals in the fields of American studies, literature, philosophy, and history in general. Here we hope to discuss – and hopefully implement – some of the following:

1. The creation of an annual or bi-annual academic conference devoted to topics on U.S. intellectual history and held in the United States;
2. The promotion of regular panel discussions and topical paper panels on U.S. intellectual history at existing organizations, such as the American Historical Association, American Studies Association, American Philosophical Society, Modern Language Association, and the Organization of American Historians;
3. The possible creation of a new, peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing the work of emerging scholars interested in gaining a foothold in U.S. intellectual history. This may or may not be an online journal;
4. The promotion of book reviews dealing with U.S. intellectual history topics;
5. The maintenance and promotion of U.S. intellectual history topics in other forums, either in electronic media such as H-Ideas or existing paper publications such as Modern Intellectual History, the Intellectual History Review, and the Journal of the History of Ideas;
6. All topics related to U.S. intellectual history are welcome for discussion. Feel free to pose ideas to the editors and comment freely on existing posts. It’s not just about the professional state of the field here, but the historical subjects themselves; and
7. The education of the wider community of historians about US Intellectual history by retrospective reviews, essays, bibliographies and other means.

All the best,

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USIH Editors